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Endangered Feces

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Endangered Feces Natural T-Shirt T-Shirt 22.99
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Design #512
Color: Natural

This blend of earthy humor and scientific accuracy is perfect for nature lovers and activists. Twenty different "specimens" of North American endangered animals are identified and labeled with the names of their perpetrators.

Perpetrating Animals: Grizzly Bear, Point Arena Mountain Beaver, Woodland Caribou, Key Deer, Black-footed Ferret, San Joaquin Kit Fox, California Red-legged Frog, Mona Ground Iguana, Island Night Lizard, Florida Panther, Utah Prairie Dog, Sonoran Pronghorn, New Mexican Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake, Shenandoah Salamander, Bighorn Sheep, Dismal Swamp Southeastern Shrew, Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel, Wyoming Toad, Amargosa Vole and Gray Wolf

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  • Rating:

    Comfortable to wear and generating many comments and "where did you get that?" Love the play on words. Perfect for wearing while leading hikes into the woods. Published 5 years ago by Bob Dodge (portola Valley, CA 94028)

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